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    American Society of Safety Engineers scholarships for family members of workers killed on the job.

    ASSE Foundation LogoKids' Chance scholarships for children of workers killed on the job.

  • Training

    Most NH COSH trainings and materials are FREE due to grants from the National COSH Network and the NH Department of Education

    NH COSH trainings encourage workers to discuss real-life experiences with workplace safety and health. We offer a variety of topics and are happy to customize our trainings to meet the specific needs of attendees. Contact us at nhcosh@nhcosh.org or call (603) 232-4406

    Adult Basic Education
    NH COSH offers presentations on workplace safety and worker rights at no charge to Adult Basic Education and GED students.

    ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages)
    NH COSH has lessons designed especially for immigrant workers with limited English ability.

    We offer:

    • presentations geared to student ability levels
    • English language skills related to workplace safety
    • oral, written, and small-group activities, and
    • hands-on equipment and graphics

    For more information, call or Contact Us.

    Farming and Agricultural Safety
    NH COSH educates and trains New Hampshire workers, communities, and advocacy groups about workplace safety, health hazards, and worker rights.

    For more information, call or Contact Us.

    Hazardous Waste and Disaster Response Training
    In collaboration with The New England Consortium (TNEC), NH COSH offers specialized training to workers who respond to hazardous waste emergencies, clean up hazardous waste sites, and emergency responders to disasters.

    TNEC provides dynamic hands-on, participatory health and safety training. With simulated work tasks and mock incidents, students gain a better understanding of work site hazards and how to properly respond in an emergency situation. In addition to open enrollment classes, TNEC can custom design training to address the specific client needs.

    For more information, contact TNEC.

    Indoor Air Quality - Healthy Schools
    NH COSH can help facilitate the training of a Healthy School team in your school to help improve the indoor and outdoor environments and the health of students and staff. The program provides free assessment, training, technical assistance and mentoring to address environmental and asthma management needs identified by the team. The training is provided for the school community, administration, teachers, parents, para-professionals, maintenance no one is left out.

    The one-on-one mentoring process brings common sense and order to indoor air quality issues while together we look for the low cost solutions throughout the process. This training increases a school team’s ability to sustain the process even after NH COSH is finished.

    Throughout the process you will gain the tools and information to help you make healthier informed choices about your school’s environment. Most suggestions call for only minimal actions by in-house staff making a big difference in the schools health.

    For more information, call or Contact Us.

    Union Workers
    NH COSH can design customized training for your local, whether your members need job-specific safety information, training on workers' compensation, or information about how the local can advocate for safer work places.

    For more information, call or Contact Us.

    Workers' Rights and Workers’ Compensation
    NH COSH offers presentations to help workers understand their rights under workers' compensation laws, OSHA Hazardous Communication laws, and employment laws.

    For more information, call or Contact Us.

    Youth Workplace Safety Training (See Brochure.)
    High school teachers, youth ministry leaders, and community service organizations for youth/teens are encouraged to prepare their youth who are entering the workforce. The presentations cover:  how to recognize unsafe working conditions, worker’s rights, what to do if you’re injured on the job, and more. It is the intent of NH COSH to provide young workers with the tools they will need to make informed choices while working so they will have a long and healthy career.

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